
My story...


Hi! I’m Gian,

I live on the sunny Sunshine Coast. I love music, I play all the time & can’t seem to escape music, its with me wherever I go, how ever I’m feeling, it’s there along side me.

I’ve played on the Sunshine Coast circuit now for 9 years, playing in Venues all over. Often I would get approached by newly engaged couples; they would ask if I would play at their wedding. Often I would say no….. (It’s daunting! I didn’t want to mess up their day) until….. “The Jodie & Cam” this couple had this infectious enthusiasm that rocks me. Their hearts were set on having me play their wedding. I said no….. a few times….. But their enthusiasm, kind hearted persistent insistence over threw the concerns that I had had I couldn’t resist!

They got me, I said yes!

The rest is History, I played their wedding in Byron, turns out I’m a little softy when it comes to weddings I absolutely loved the whole experience. Now I busy myself playing weddings all over Australia!

Acoustic Folk, Soul , Blues & Gospel influence me.